Sunday, June 26, 2011

Justin Bieber Helps Obama Save Face in NYC | Gather

Justin Bieber has done his duty for the US by making good on President Obama's promise to a teen girl that she would get to meet the pop star. Bieber fulfilled Obama's request with a smile.
President Obama is lucky that the good-natured teen pop singer made good on a promise that the Commander and Chief took the liberty of making without checking with Bieber first.
Last month while the President was a Ground Zero ceremony he met 14 year-old Payton Wall, who lost her father in the tragedy on that day in September a decade ago. Obama learned that Payton was a big Justin Bieber fan and made a promise that he would arrange for the girl to meet her idol, according to TMZ.
Trying to fulfil his promise, Obama had the White House contact Justin that same day to put the plan into action. Bieber agreed and thankfully so, because Obama didn't say he would see what he could do, he promised she would meet Bieber, which was very forward of him to do this without consulting Justin first.
The meeting happened in NYC while Justin was there making the talk show circuit rounds. Wall, along with her sister Avery and a friend, Madison Roberson, got to meet their idol and had pictures taken with him. Wall posted a picture of the foursome on her Facebook page.
The 14 year-old was more nervous about meeting Justin Bieber than she was when meeting the President of the US.
While chances are most celebrities would do this type of favor for the President of the US, but this promise was rather presumptuous of Obama to make without having any idea of what Justin might say.
The girl has faced major tragedy already in her young life by losing her father in the 911 terrorist act, it would have not been fair to disappoint her, if by chance the young singer said "no."
Now Bieber has a favor he can call-in if he ever needs to do so! Making a promise to a girl about meeting her teen idol is one thing. Let's hope the President does not conduct all his business under the premise of making promises first before he knows he can deliver for sure!

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